Brinton Parker Botkin

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Diving Into the Unknown

2018 has been a big year for me and my little family. Christopher and I made things legal in April, he’s taken on a few exciting new responsibilities at his job, we became an auntie and uncle only last week, and now I’ve got big changes coming. To avoid being cryptic, I’ll come right out with it: after more than four years, several thousand posts, and 150+ weekly episodes of First Impression Fri-YAY at POPSUGAR, I’m starting down a new professional path. 

POPSUGAR was my first “big girl” job out of college; I graduated with an English degree and a full-time writing job lined up, which felt like a major accomplishment after spending my college years hounded with angsty barista memes and questions from family asking if I was “planning to teach?” (And just to be clear, there's absolutely nothing wrong with barista-ing OR teaching — it's just not for me!)

I learned a lot from my time at POPSUGAR, where I transitioned between several roles, helped build a team that I’m incredibly proud of, and pushed myself to try new things like public speaking and regular on-camera appearances. I worked with some of the most creative and passionate people I’ve ever known, and I made more lifelong friendships than I could count on both hands. My role taught me a lot about what I want in a career, and I hope to take many of those lessons with me as I move forward.  

For a creature of habit like myself, change — especially change of this magnitude — is terrifying. But that terror makes it all the more important to continue challenging myself, flexing different creative muscles, and to avoid becoming too comfortable. I hope that by diving into the unknown (no matter how scary), I dodge the risk of growing stagnant. 

With all of that said, I’m unbelievably excited for the road ahead. I can’t wait for what I’ll learn as I begin a new journey outside the realm of the digital media space, and for the chance to channel my creative skills into something new. 

You can look forward to me being much more active here going forward. Because my new gig is beauty-focused, I’m sure I’ll be bursting at the seams with pop culture, lifestyle, travel, and style ideas to share!

So wish me luck, eh? If the world is my oyster, I intend to savor it (preferably with Tabasco and fresh lemon).