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23 Lessons I Took to Heart in 2023

23 Lessons I Took to Heart in 2023

  1. It’s never too late to start journaling. The One Line a Day five year journal is a great way to build the habit.

  2. Massage your kale, always. Olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper with 30 seconds of massaging yields a kale salad that will earn you praise from even the most vegetable-averse dinner guests. 

  3. Always store garden tools pointy-side down, even if it’s only for “just a few minutes.”

  4. Relatedly: if you faint at the sight of blood, marry someone who doesn’t.

  5. Give the compliment when you think it. Making somebody’s day is free. 

  6. Accidentally going cold turkey off SSRIs can (and will) cause pretty severe physical withdrawal symptoms. Don’t forget to pack your pills!

  7. Keep sending those “I love you, I’m thinking about you, I miss you” texts.

  8. Pick up a book, put down the phone. 

  9. Relatedly: a social media hiatus is always a good idea, especially if you’re trying to model healthy relationships with screens to a tiny human. The world doesn’t end, your (meaningful) friendships won’t fizzle, and you’ll be shocked at how much it feels like coming up for air when you unplug for a bit. one sec app, I love ya.

  10. Toddlers understand more than you think they do, and their language processing can evolve so rapidly it’ll blow your damn mind. 

  11. Relatedly: you probably curse more than you think you do. 

  12. JOMO > FOMO. Not every season is *your* season. If you’re in the thick of it with a little kid, it’s simply not your time to attend every event, go on every vacation, or understand (let alone follow) every trend. Your season — and your sense of you — will come back, and it’s OK to embrace the different phase you’re in. 

  13. Never take antibiotics on an empty stomach. 

  14. Relatedly: keep a plastic bag or two in your glove compartment.

  15. Even if it sucks to admit it, your work life is probably influencing every other area of your life, too. It’s worth the temporary discomfort to make a major career pivot (like Christopher did) or to better advocate for yourself in a current job (like I learned to do).

  16. Host toddler parties in the morning. The other parents will love you; we’re all fighting for our lives trying to find activities to keep busy until nap time. 

  17. Life is too damn short not to just… like the things you like. Watch campy shows, read the “fluffy” books, go to Disneyland, wear ridiculous outfits, do whatever the thing is that brings you fleeting moments of joy in this life. Our time on this godforsaken rock passes by way too quickly to live performatively. 

  18. Relatedly: you don’t have to have a “take” on everything, and even when you do have an opinion, you definitely aren’t obligated to voice it. The world would improve dramatically if more people learned to stay quiet.  

  19. Your few bucks a month goes a lot further when paid to an independent artist or creator you love than it does when funneled to a major media conglomerate. Chip in the $5 for your favorite podcaster’s Patreon instead of signing up for another streaming service. 

  20. When it comes to skincare, less is more. Don’t let the marketing get to you. 

  21. Relatedly: that ludicrously capacious Stanley cup really is worth the hype, babe. Stay hydrated.

  22. Hold your detail-oriented, thoughtful, planner (read: Virgo) friends close, and let them know how much you appreciate them. They really do have their shit together, and will influence you in the same direction by proximity alone. 

  23. You truly never know what somebody is going through in their health and home life. Give folks the benefit of the doubt, and err on the side of care and compassion. 

Take what you want and leave the rest, friends. Cheers to the privilege of another year!

Like a Mother

Like a Mother